Chemical Manufacturing & Supply Labels | Printing Services Manchester

Chemical Manufacturing & Supply Labels


If you are manufacturing, storing or transporting chemicals or other raw materials then you are legally bound to comply with strict labelling requirements on all packaging and containers.

Known as CHIP regulations the Chemical Hazard Information for Packaging and Supply regulations stipulate that all chemical containers must be clearly labelled with mandatory information on display such as: Name of substance, trade or designated name and provision of all critical information about the product from ingredients to highlighting the potential hazards of the substance (more information can be found at

We have a fully comprehensive range of chemical manufacturing and supply labels that will meet the respective needs of your business. Labels that will be robust and durable and compliant to all quality standards and legislation covered by CHIP regulations and inclusive of the relevant hazard, risk and warning information bespoke to the substance.

For further advice and information call and speak to one of our professional consultants.

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